Left Foot, Right Foot, Repeat . . .

Monday, April 26, 2010

Half Marathon!!!!!

Saturday April 24
Temp 65 & Sunny
Distance 13.4

Believe it or not, on Saturday, a girlfriend and I held our own 1st Annual D & S Gray's Lake Half Marathon!

It was awesome. We took it easy. We took mini snack/drink breaks. We took pictures (see facebook). And chatted, and chatted, and chatted for 13 and a half miles. The weather was perfect, too.

Best of all, I accomplished my goal of doing a half marathon this weekend and my friend did her first ever half marathon - yippee!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Tuesday night met me with 3 miles on the treadmill. Nothing fancy, just 3 miles.

Last night was a walk down the greenbelt with the triple wide and a dog.

The half marathon is in 3 weeks. I've got to get my kid care situation figured out. Crap.

Friday, March 26, 2010

4 Weeks

So the half marathon I'm signed up for is just over 4 weeks away. Yeesh, is time really flying by so quickly?

The longest I've gone lately is 6, so my time on this one won't be anywhere near spectacular. But I'm going to do it and have a good time - that's really the point for me anyway - just keeping fitness in mind and accomplishing goals, no matter how lamely I do it.

I'm hoping to get the triple wide out tomorrow and put in some miles. Let's hope the kids and the weather cooperate!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weekend Stroll

So the snow has finally melted, again . . . and the triple wide can safely travel down sidewalks. Our favorite lake path is flooded, so we we chugged down to the greenbelt and covered some new territory on Sunday - 2 hours worth.

The fun part, you know, besides arguing with the twins for an hour and a half about the parks being too muddy to play in as you're plugging along huffing and puffing? Being about a half block from the park you know won't be too muddy and realizing you reallllllly have to go to the bathroom . .. and are about a half mile from home, which is uphill, and in the middle of suburbia. Commence pushing said 120 lbs of stroller as fast as humanly possible up what feels like Mount Everest toward home with devastated kids screaming about the park . . . while trying not to shit yourself.

Good news is we made it home in time. And then ventured back out to the park.

It was a great workout with lots of hills and I think the kids enjoyed the fresh air, too. I feel a lot better and less tired, though my appetite is through the roof. Whatever, my weight is stable, I'm strong and can manage not to poop myself in public. I consider that a win.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Um, Week 11

So I've been on hiatus a bit. And after a laundry list of excuses (foot, wine, laziness, etc. . .) I'm trying to get back on the training bandwagon.

Saturday I tried doing yoga while the twins were napping. Instead it turned into a tackle/wrestle opportunity for the baby. She and I ended up having a great time, but I'm not sure of the effectiveness of full tackle yoga.

Then, I stuffed the kids under coats and blankets and boots and into the triple wide hoping enough snow had melted we might be able to make it around the neighborhood sidewalks a bit. For the most part we did ok, but some areas were too narrow and we either had to push through the drifts or turn around and find another route. We also had some tears when we found out one of our parks had not yet been scooped out.

Coming home reminded me how much the kids have grown since last summer - walking up the hill to the house gave me time to calculate the total weight of kids and stroller I was actually pushing . . . approx 130 lbs now . . . no wonder my thighs were burning!

Yesterday we took the kids to the lake for a 6 miler. The weather was good, but man it seemed like a long way around! I feel great today, so maybe not all is lost just yet.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 7, Day 2

Miles: 4
Miles/Week: 4/17
Conditions: Snow, snow and more SNOW

Yeah. I've been sucking at training. Ever since this bunion showed up I've sort of lost my drive. I only got in 6 miles last week.

I think the hardest part is figuring out whether or not I believe the bunion is an excuse or a reason for my training issue. It was certainly the instigator.

So what I'm thinking is I really should just go back to my plan and see what happens. If the pain comes back, well then I'll just have to decide then. But how does one go about getting back that lost drive to train? Any suggestions?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 6, Day 2

Miles: 4
Miles/Week: 4/17
Conditions: 67 in basement

Stoopid 4 miles. I hate you. All I wanted to do was drink wine, watch The Biggest Loser and eat a whole pizza before snuggling in to bed.

But NOOOOOOOOOO, I had to book 4 miles first. Or else I would feel like a complete lazy piece of shit.

But it's done. And over. And late. And I'm on the computer instead of sleeping soundly in bed. It is not fun today, but my legs still feel thankful I put them through that.
