Left Foot, Right Foot, Repeat . . .

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Jingle Jog

Distance: 4 miles
Conditions: 20 degrees

Well, we did it!

After claiming it would be too cold and too early for a Saturday morning race, once the kids were up at 7 I asked them, "Do you want to do a race with Mommi today?"

To which they replied a hearty YES!

So we hustled out the door into the great white frozen world and busted out 2 laps around Gray's Lake. The first lap was fine, the second was miserable - the twins took turns crying and Little A slept through most of it. I should have brought a couple blankets for the kids and we desperately need warmer mittens. I'm having trouble finding warm ones their size.

All in all it was a great race: I ran into a high school friend, had the honor of pushing the ONLY stroller, got cheered on by a shivering crowd and got a really dorky long sleeve shirt to prove it.

Next year, it will be just me doing the run, but it was fun to get the kids out (we even saw Santa!) and push them around our training grounds once again. . . though it makes me desperately wish for spring.


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