Left Foot, Right Foot, Repeat . . .

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 3 Complete!

Miles Today: 6 (5)
Miles/Week: 15/14
Conditions: 35 degrees @ Gray's

Dad and I put in an easy 6 miles on Sunday . . . after eating a gigantic & delicious ribeye dinner, with wine. Yeah, we rock.

The weather was perfect and for the most part the path was clear. At the beginning of our run, though, Dad stretched out his stride to a ridiculous pace and there was no way I was keeping up. Luckily he was joking and slowed down quickly and we kept a good clip together.

Into mile 5 Dad took a quick detour and I kept going. As I saw him catching up I kicked up my pace to as fast as I could go . . . and then began involuntarily squealing like an idiot. Rather than have the cops called on us for the sound of a woman being attacked, I immediately checked myself and stopped to laugh my ass off until Dad caught up. That was a good call as there was no way I was going to keep up running that pace for more than a few more feet, anyway.

Mom stayed home with the kids and moderated a Thomas the Train build out complete with babyzilla's destruction services in our absence. Thank you Mom.

Good news is Week 3 closed out with all the miles plus 1. Week 4 starts up on Tuesday with a 3, 2, 4, & 6 on the weekend for a total of 15. Weeks 4 & 5 are the end of the shorter mileages before we crank it up to 17+. . . better enjoy them then, right?


  1. Ah ha, sweet mama. So, this is where you are. You are one go-getting supermom, and I admire your focus. Yeah!!

  2. Running with Dad is NEVER boring... Oh, how I know that...

  3. OMG 17 miles....I can't even imagine. You go girl.
